New World Disorder Volume 1
A4 size Comicbook Full Colour Cover 56 Black & White Interior pages
“New World Disorder – Rise of the Neofem” combines issues #0 and #1 into one volume.
At the dawn of the twenty-first century womankind achieved what nature had always denied her - physical prowess that rivalled that of any man. Through the new designer drug Femjolt and experiments with nano-genetics the feminists created a new breed of woman - the Neofem!
Tall, glamorous, sexy, intelligent and powerful. Any girl could become a Neofem simply by using Femjolt and countless women turned to this new wonder drug just to escape the bonds of their biology and their otherwise dreary, unproductive and uneventful lives. But there were devastting side-effects - sexual psychosis, uncontrollable aggression, even physical mutation and mental retardation... Human society was changed forever, and social problems of a hitherto unknown and vast magnitude arose...
ISBN-13: 978-0987622976
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